Two ways to pretty print XML output from ABAP

Sometimes it is convenient to print out the XML with simple WRITES as readable output or save the XML as formatted file and not as a long string.
Below two examples for the XML pretty printer functionality.
First, very compact and elegant example which utilizes the standard transformation ID_INDENT . You can have a look at it through the transaction STRANS . See the following program:
REPORT zxml_pretty_print_2.

  lv_input_xml    TYPE string VALUE '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><xxx><item><bname>USR12345</bname><trdat>0000-00-00</trdat></item></xxx>',
  lv_formated_xml TYPE string.

      SOURCE XML lv_input_xml
      RESULT XML lv_formated_xml.

SPLIT lv_formated_xml AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline INTO TABLE DATA(lt_string).

LOOP AT lt_string INTO DATA(lv_string).
  WRITE: / lv_string.
it generates such output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
And here the other much longer coding, which generates the same output. It uses some standard functions instead of CALL TRANSFORMATION .

PERFORM xml_pretty_printer USING    lv_input_xml
                           CHANGING lt_formated_xml.

FORM xml_pretty_printer USING    pi_input_xml    TYPE string
                        CHANGING pt_formated_xml TYPE string_table.

    lv_xstring       TYPE xstring,
    lr_document      TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document,
    lt_binary        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x255,
    lv_output_length TYPE i,
    lv_formated_xml  TYPE string.

      text   = pi_input_xml
*     MIMETYPE       = ' '
*     ENCODING       = ' '
      buffer = lv_xstring
      failed = 1
      OTHERS = 2.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e676(bt) WITH 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING' sy-subrc.

      xml           = lv_xstring
*     SIZE          =
*     IS_NORMALIZING       = 'X'
      document      = lr_document
      invalid_input = 1
      OTHERS        = 2.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e676(bt) WITH 'SDIXML_XML_TO_DOM' sy-subrc.

      document      = lr_document
      pretty_print  = 'X'
      xml_as_string = lv_xstring
*     SIZE          =
*     XML_AS_TABLE  = lt_table
      no_document   = 1
      OTHERS        = 2.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e676(bt) WITH 'SDIXML_DOM_TO_XML' sy-subrc.

      buffer        = lv_xstring
*     APPEND_TO_TABLE       = ' '
      output_length = lv_output_length
      binary_tab    = lt_binary.

      input_length = lv_output_length
*     FIRST_LINE   = 0
*     LAST_LINE    = 0
*     MIMETYPE     = ' '
*     ENCODING     =
      text_buffer  = lv_formated_xml
*     OUTPUT_LENGTH       =
      binary_tab   = lt_binary
      failed       = 1
      OTHERS       = 2.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e676(bt) WITH 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_STRING' sy-subrc.

  SPLIT lv_formated_xml AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline INTO TABLE pt_formated_xml.

See other related notes in my infodepot:
Three types of transformation to generate XML from ABAP
Full list of examples in my infodepot

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