Create and display protocol in style of transport tools

I like the style of protocols produced by transport tools, for example export/import protocols of transactions STMS, SE10, etc.
Such protocols are easy to read and have clear structure, there is a possibility to expand/collapse details. They are also easy to use in your own programs and are a great alternative to the WRITE's, making your programs look attractive and professional.
Have a look at the sample screenshot and coding:
REPORT zsprot1.

  gt_prot  TYPE TABLE OF sprot_u.


* create protocol
  PERFORM prot_add USING ''  1 'I' 'B1' '999' 'Message 1' '' '' ''.
  PERFORM prot_add USING ''  2 'I' 'B1' '999' 'Message 1' 'next level' '' ''.
  PERFORM prot_add USING ''  1 'I' 'B1' '999' 'Message 2' '' '' ''.
  PERFORM prot_add USING 'X' 1 'W' 'B1' '999' 'Warning' '' '' ''.
  PERFORM prot_add USING ''  1 'E' 'B1' '999' 'Error' '' '' ''.
  PERFORM prot_add USING ''  1 'A' 'B1' '999' 'Critical' '' '' ''.

* display protocol
  PERFORM prot_display.

*&      Form  prot_display
FORM prot_display.

* Save in memory
      iv_logname_memory = 'PROTOCOL'
      it_msgs           = gt_prot.

* Display from memory
      iv_log_type       = 'MEMORY'
      iv_logname_memory = 'PROTOCOL'
      iv_titlebar       = 'Title'
      iv_heading        = 'Heading'
      iv_display_level  = '1'.

ENDFORM.                    "prot_display

*&      Form  prot_add
FORM prot_add USING pi_newobj   TYPE protnewobj
                    pi_level    TYPE protlevel
                    pi_severity TYPE errortyp
                    pi_ag       TYPE arbgb
                    pi_msgnr    TYPE msgnr
                    pi_var1     TYPE csequence
                    pi_var2     TYPE csequence
                    pi_var3     TYPE csequence
                    pi_var4     TYPE csequence.

    ls_prot TYPE sprot_u.

  ls_prot-level    = pi_level.
  ls_prot-severity = pi_severity.
  ls_prot-langu    = sy-langu.
  ls_prot-ag       = pi_ag.
  ls_prot-msgnr    = pi_msgnr.
  ls_prot-newobj   = pi_newobj.
  ls_prot-var1     = pi_var1.
  ls_prot-var2     = pi_var2.
  ls_prot-var3     = pi_var3.
  ls_prot-var4     = pi_var4.

  APPEND ls_prot TO gt_prot.

ENDFORM.                    "prot_add
See other related notes in my infodepot:
Protocol messages into application log
Full list of examples in my infodepot

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