Solution Manager - open project transaction SOLAR02 for logical document

This program shows how to open the project of solution manager (transaction SOLAR02) and navigate on start to particular document. The document is identified by id of logical document (LOIO). You can find LOIO (object id and class) in the URL in the attributes of the solution manager document.
Here sample URL:
The URL looks a bit complicated, use function ITS_PARSE_URL to read the value of variable _LOIO.

The initial layout (open project, hierarchy and tabstrip) of transaction SOLAR02 (or program SOLAR_START) can be set by user settings (SOLAR_SETTINGS and SOLAR_SETTINGS_EXP_NODES) stored in the table SPERS_OBJ. The most difficult task is to collect all relevant information.
REPORT zsm_solar02.


  pa_objid TYPE sdok_docid OBLIGATORY DEFAULT '3A14EE4D6E0A7A32E10000000A1A3035'. " LOIO


    ls_tnotfpr        TYPE tnotfpr,
    lv_hier_id        TYPE project_id,
    ls_dmdobject      TYPE dmdobject,
    ls_object         TYPE sdokobject,
    lt_ress_range     TYPE spro_ress_range,
    lt_proj_range     TYPE spro_proj_range,
    ls_proj_range     LIKE LINE OF lt_proj_range,
    lt_doctitle_range TYPE s_doctitle_range,
    lt_aut_range      TYPE spro_ress_range,
    lt_docstat_range  TYPE s_docstat_range,
    lt_objtype_range  TYPE s_objtype_range,
    lt_classif_range  TYPE s_classif_range,
    lt_content_data   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cont_list,
    ls_content_data   TYPE cont_list,
    lt_sel_node       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hier_iface,
    ls_sel_node       TYPE hier_iface,
    l_user_settings   TYPE sausersett,
    lt_text           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF textpool,
    ls_text           TYPE textpool,
    lv_tabtype        TYPE sappl_tabtype_type,
    lt_expanded_node  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tm_nodekey,
    ls_expanded_node  TYPE tm_nodekey,
    lt_treetypes      TYPE TABLE OF ttreetype.

* Read node and project id related to id of the logical document (LOIO)
    INTO ls_tnotfpr
    FROM tnotfpr
    WHERE docu_id = pa_objid.

  SELECT SINGLE project_id
    INTO (lv_hier_id)
    FROM tpr_index
    WHERE node_id = ls_tnotfpr-id.

* Read the relevant part of the projects structure information
* to find out the table register, where the document is used
  ls_proj_range-sign = 'I'.
  ls_proj_range-option = 'EQ'.
  ls_proj_range-low = lv_hier_id.
  APPEND ls_proj_range TO lt_proj_range.

    FROM tpr_index
    WHERE refnode_id = ls_tnotfpr-id.

  ls_sel_node-checkboxst = 'A'.
  APPEND ls_sel_node TO lt_sel_node.

      ress_range                 = lt_ress_range
      proj_range                 = lt_proj_range
      doctitle_range             = lt_doctitle_range
      obtyp_range                = lt_objtype_range
*     RESPONS_RANGE              =
      aut_range                  = lt_aut_range
      docstat_range              = lt_docstat_range
*     CHANDATE_RANGE             =
*     TECHNAME_RANGE             =
      classif_range              = lt_classif_range
      classout                   = ''
*     CLASS_ADM_RANGE            =
*     CLOUT_ADM                  =
*     GLOB_RANGE                 =
      sapdocu                    = 'X'
      custdocu                   = 'X'
      confdocu                   = 'X'
      testdocu                   = 'X'
      learndoc                   = 'X'
      tabtype                    = ''
      phase                      = ''
      ressout                    = ''
*     LIST_OF_TEMPLATES          =
*     ROLETYP_RANGE              =
*     ROLEID_RANGE               =
*     ROLEOUT                    =
*     NO_CONT                    =
*     NO_DOCU_AUTH               =
      list_of_content_data       = lt_content_data
      list_of_sel_nodes          = lt_sel_node.

* Map the key of the register to the SOLAR constant.
  READ TABLE lt_content_data INTO ls_content_data INDEX 1.

    INTO lt_text LANGUAGE sy-langu.

  READ TABLE lt_text 
    INTO ls_text WITH KEY entry = ls_content_data-docutabtype.

  CASE ls_text-key.

    WHEN '540'.
      lv_tabtype = sappl_c_tabtype_sapdocu.

    WHEN '550'.
      lv_tabtype = sappl_c_tabtype_custdocu.

    WHEN '751'. 
      lv_tabtype = sappl_c_tabtype_testcase.


* Save the personal SOLAR_SETTINGS with attributes of the document
  l_user_settings-dtreewidth = '350'.
  l_user_settings-defproject = lv_hier_id.
  l_user_settings-lasttab    = lv_tabtype.
  l_user_settings-lastnode   = ls_content_data-node_id.
  l_user_settings-bcategory  = 'V'.
  l_user_settings-rcategory  = 'C'.
  l_user_settings-pcategory  = 'T'.

  PERFORM solar_settings_save USING 'SOLAR_SETTINGS'

* Read the hierarchy information of the node
      node_id             = ls_tnotfpr-id
      nodes_in_structures = lt_sel_node.

  LOOP AT lt_sel_node INTO ls_sel_node WHERE tree_id <> ''.

  ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.

  CLEAR lt_sel_node.

      structure_id        = ''
      search_for_node     = ls_sel_node
      ignore_structure_id = 'X'
      node_hierarchy      = lt_sel_node
      i_treetypes         = lt_treetypes.

* Save the personal SOLAR_SETTINGS_EXP_NODES with hierarchy information
  LOOP AT lt_sel_node INTO ls_sel_node.

    IF NOT sy-tabix = LINES( lt_sel_node ).
      ls_expanded_node = ls_sel_node-node_id.
      APPEND ls_expanded_node TO lt_expanded_node.


* Call transaction SOLAR02 (using program SOLAR_START)
  SUBMIT solar_start
    WITH ttype = '2' AND RETURN.

*&      Form  solar_settings_save
FORM solar_settings_save USING pi_key

  CALL METHOD cl_pers_admin=>set_data
      p_pers_key          = pi_key
      p_uname             = sy-uname
      p_pers_data         = pi_data
*     P_WRITE_THROUGH     = 'X'
*     P_APPEND            = space
*     P_MODIFY            = 'X'
*     P_KEY_TAB           =
      pers_key_not_found  = 1
      data_type_error     = 2
      user_does_not_exist = 3
      not_set_to_default  = 4
      pers_key_locked     = 5
      OTHERS              = 6.

  ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.

ENDFORM.                    "solar_settings_save
See other related notes in my infodepot:
Solution Manager - hierarchies and data model
Full list of examples in my infodepot

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