SQL inner join vs. join of internal tables

I like SQL joins because of their compact form, which improves readability of code and makes it safe.
Sometimes I can't use SQL joins because of performance issues or in situations, in which I already have data in internal tables, for example as result of function module, than I have to join the internal tables.
There is no support for join the internal tables in ABAP (apart the PROVIDE, which can be used in very special cases), the join of internal tables has to be programmed with nested LOOP's or combination of LOOP and READ. The optimal solution depends on the definition of internal tables and their content - the used data model.

Below you can find an example of SQL join and join of internal tables realized with nested LOOP's.
The standard flight application deals as data model, you can generate the content of used tables SPFLI, SBOOK and SCUSTOM with program SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR.
The sample program below generates following output:
REPORT zitab_injoin.

  BEGIN OF ts_data,
    carrid TYPE s_carr_id,
    connid TYPE s_conn_id,
    fldate TYPE s_date,
    name   TYPE s_custname,
  END OF ts_data,

  tt_data TYPE TABLE OF ts_data.

PERFORM database_join.
PERFORM internal_table_join.

*&      Form  database_join
FORM database_join.

    lt_data TYPE tt_data,
    ls_data TYPE ts_data,
    m1 TYPE i,
    m2 TYPE i.


  SELECT spfli~carrid spfli~connid sbook~fldate scustom~name
    INTO (ls_data-carrid, ls_data-connid, ls_data-fldate, ls_data-name)
    FROM spfli
    INNER JOIN sbook
      ON     spfli~carrid = sbook~carrid
         AND spfli~connid = sbook~connid
    INNER JOIN scustom
      ON scustom~id = sbook~customid
    WHERE scustom~name = 'Horst Rahn'
      AND spfli~carrid LIKE 'A%'.

    APPEND ls_data TO lt_data.


  LOOP AT lt_data INTO ls_data.
    WRITE: / ls_data-carrid, ls_data-connid, ls_data-fldate, ls_data-name.

  m2 = m2 - m1.
  WRITE: / 'db join', m2, 'microseconds'.
ENDFORM.                    "database_join

*&      Form  internal_table_join
FORM internal_table_join.

    lt_data TYPE tt_data,
    ls_data TYPE ts_data,
    lt_spfli TYPE HASHED TABLE OF spfli WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid connid,
    lt_sbook TYPE SORTED TABLE OF sbook WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY customid,
    lt_scustom TYPE SORTED TABLE OF scustom WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY name,
    m1 TYPE i,
    m2 TYPE i,
    m3 TYPE i,
    m4 TYPE i.

    <fs_spfli>   TYPE spfli,
    <fs_sbook>   TYPE sbook,
    <fs_scustom> TYPE scustom.

* Init-Load

  SELECT carrid connid
    FROM spfli.

  SELECT carrid connid fldate customid
    FROM sbook.

  SELECT id name
    FROM scustom.

  m2 = m2 - m1.

* Join the internal tables

  LOOP AT lt_scustom ASSIGNING <fs_scustom>
    WHERE name = 'Horst Rahn'.

    LOOP AT lt_sbook ASSIGNING <fs_sbook>
      WHERE customid = <fs_scustom>-id.

      LOOP AT lt_spfli ASSIGNING <fs_spfli>
        WHERE carrid = <fs_sbook>-carrid
          AND connid = <fs_sbook>-connid
          AND carrid CP 'A*'.

        ls_data-carrid = <fs_spfli>-carrid.
        ls_data-connid = <fs_spfli>-connid.
        ls_data-fldate = <fs_sbook>-fldate.
        ls_data-name   = <fs_scustom>-name.

        APPEND ls_data TO lt_data.


  LOOP AT lt_data INTO ls_data.
    WRITE: / ls_data-carrid, ls_data-connid, ls_data-fldate, ls_data-name.

  m4 = m4 - m3.
  WRITE: / 'itable join - load ', m2, 'microseconds'.
  WRITE: / 'itable join - loops', m4, 'microseconds'.
  m4 = m4 + m2.
  WRITE: / 'itable join - total', m4, 'microseconds'.
ENDFORM.                    "internal_table_join
See other related notes in my infodepot:
Commit Work in SELECT statement Information about amount of read records returned by SELECT, SELECT SINGLE, SELECT COUNT, etc. Package processing of mass data with database commit and SELECT statement Select-Options in dynamic WHERE condition called per RFC Package processing of mass data with COMMIT WORK and SELECT statement SQL outer join vs. join of internal tables
Full list of examples in my infodepot

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